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Keyword Analysis with Log Files

Perhaps the most definitive keyword analysis can be found in your log files. The actual traffic you receive from a particular search query is arguably the most important form of keyword analysis. However, after you generate keyword rich content and feed it to the search engines, it is essential to analyze the search engine referrals found in your log files.

For example, suppose you spent minimal effort targeting a keyword that had a moderately high GKA score. Next, suppose you efforts landed you a ranking of 15 on a search engine results page. Furthermore, suppose that when analyzing your log files you find that this particular keyword is generating a respectable amount of traffic. This would indicate that you should modify your strategy and heavily target this keyword so that you might be able to generate significantly more traffic. Conversely, if the log files indicate that a keyword is generating minimal traffic with a good ranking, then it is an indication that it is probably not worth the effort to target the keyword with additional content. It is this form of keyword analysis that can help guide your continual content development.

Another benefit of log file analysis is that often times you will find extremely relevant keywords in your log files that you were not even targeting. This opens the doors to further keyword research and additional content creation. Essentially, log file analysis allows you to discover and expand your keyword market.

There is a wealth of information in your log files just waiting to be exploited. Continual keyword analysis using log file data will enable you to maintain and enhance your search engine rankings and, more importantly, the Internet traffic they produce.


Thu March 13, 2025

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